König Theater Drag King Show

König Theater Drag King Show

König presents a grand spectacle at Theater im Delphi. Legendary artists and Newcomers come together to create a mindblowing fusion of Drag & Theater. A community project for Kings and Creatures with 13 drag kings and 1 storyline that connects all of them together. Line-up: Buba Sababa, Lolita Va Voom, Fifi Fantôme, Jade Lee, Inga Salomé, Robin Lovelines, Butch*Her, GOLEM, LeatherFeatherLuckFuck, Bó Cabóg, Maestro Presto Abracadabra, Grant Gearshift and Randy Pullman.

Musical & Show


20. Feb | 7:00 pm



21. Feb | 7:00 pm

Admission charge: 16 € - 39 €
(+ ra.co fee)
duration: ca. 180 min | no pause

for adults only