
Festival for the 90th birthday of Ernstalbrecht Stiebler


Festival for the 90th birthday of Ernstalbrecht Stiebler

Since the 1960s, Ernstalbrecht Stiebler has reduced a few sounds to even fewer, distilling what is essential for his work: Invitations to listen, ever new formulations of the idea of an inner listening space that he invites us to enter. With serene intensity, Stiebler turns to the individual tone, the fluctuation, an interval, and creates a sound space that seems alien. Using the means of repetition, his music is an incessant visualization of the here and now.
As an outsider, he persistently and profoundly pursues a path with his art on which younger generations are now coming to meet him.


11.5. | 18:30 - 20:45 Monochromie
The concert "Monochromie", curated by Hauke Harder, focuses on Stiebler's compositions of the 90s and his piano music. With Tilman Kanitz, Hartmut Leistritz and Astrid Schmeling. A screening of the film "Zeile für Zeile" by Viola Rusche and Hauke Harder are planned beforehand.

12.5. | 17:00 - 18:00 Extension
This concert entitled "Extension", curated by Biliana Voutchkova, will feature the string trio Extension I from 1963 and new works and music by female composers that relate to Stiebler's work.
Performers: Sarah Davachi, Michael Rauter, Grégoire Simon, Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, Biliana Voutchkova

12.5. | 19:00 - 19:45 Empfindsamkeit
The concert "Empfindsamkeit", curated by Tilman Kanitz, premieres pieces for ensemble and voice. Participants: Werner Dafeldecker, Tilman Kanitz, Dylan Kerr, Christian Kesten, Rebecca Lane, Sabrina Ma, Michael Rauter, Caleb Salgado, Ernstalbrecht Stiebler
